Date: 6th May 2011, Venue: Chikankata High School Football Ground. May 6, 2011 is another big day for Chikankata. It is the joint Graduation Day for both of our two training institutions - Chikankata College of Biomedical Sciences (CCBS) and Chikankata College of Nursing & Midwifery (CCN&M). CCBS records 100 percent pass rate and CCN&M has 85 percent pass result. Altogether 59 nurses and 42 biomedical technologists graduated on this day. Dr.Christopher Kalila, the Hon'ble Deputy Minister of Health, Government Republic of Zambia graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour. Her Royal Highness Chieftainess Mwenda was also present to congratulate the new graduates. The Territorial Commander, Colonel Stephen Chepkurui expressd his joy and satisfaction with the excellent results produced by the two colleges.