Saturday, November 15, 2008

Medicine in Africa Can Be Fun

Medicine in rural Zambia, sometimes, can be fun. I had a young gentleman in the hospital recently. He mentioned that he was having concerns about his penis. I told him that I would need to examine it just to be sure. So, he undid his trousers for me. To my surprise, the young fellow was fully erect! In medical school, we are taught that when you are examining a male and he has or gets an erection, you should stop the exam and tell the patient that you'll come back later when his erection has subsided. Not in this case. I found out that he had ‘priapism’.

Priapism is an emergency medical condition where there is a persistent, usually painful, erection that lasts for more than four hours and occurs without sexual stimulation. The condition develops when blood in the penis becomes trapped and unable to drain. If the condition is not treated immediately, it can lead to scarring and permanent erectile dysfunction.

The causes of priapism can be many. Beside various medical conditions and illegal and legal drugs which are the common causes, the use of certain roots and herbs for performance enhancement is a common practice in this part of rural Africa. (Viagra is quite out of sight, still).
Photo courtesy: Gunilla Elam, Science photo library
Apparently, this young guy was visiting his fiancé the night before, who was staying some distance away in the neighbouring village. A storm came up while he was visiting her and she insisted that he stay the night in her single bedroom house. According to him, during the night, she crawled into bed beside him. Fireworks ensued, as you can imagine.

A good twelve hours had already gone wasted since the calculated time of the onset. So I had to attend to him straightaway. But mind you, I am neither a surgeon nor a urologist and never before had I seen and treated the condition. Quickly I went through my surgical references, anatomy texts and finally came up with information and a resolve strong enough to tackle the problem on my own. Whatever the treatment options be, the goal of all treatment is to make the erection go away and preserve future erectile function. And I decided to apply the Aspiration method. Under the cover of short acting anaesthesia, I sterilised the organ with antiseptic solutions a number of times and finally introduced a 20G canula exactly on the left corpus cavernosa. Through it I drained and aspirated about 150 millilitres of the trapped blood. It worked perfectly. The organ which pointed 12 O’clock before had finally given up and came down to its normal 6 O’clock position. It was a great relief for my patient. Oh, the fun we doctors have!


chhanhima said...

ah yes! da fun........great job doc!!

Unknown said...

I rawn post ta maw? Hetiang lam pang hi keinihovah chuan nang lo chu han ziak tur kan awm lo va, i ziah awm tak a ni e. Chhawr tangkai an awm ngeiin ka ring.

LeaszRalte said...

Oops! Wonderful... you are really great doc!

Varte said...

Wowww... 12 O'clock position turns out to 6 O'clock. I believe its still in the 3 O'clock position... hahaa..

What a good experience you have to treat this kind of situation!!! and You are Dr. Thiama

Unknown said...

I still have doubt how will it remain at 6 O'clock. If our great doc treatment completely solved the problem of the young guy, will it be a good news for him?

Zairemthiama Pachuau said...

@chhanhima=chhante, thanks for reading. It's always interesting trying something new, and we are a bit lucky as there is no one else to do the challenging cases. How is it working in PC Hospital?

@fela=post phalna green signal min pe ta si a, inthlahrung takin ka han post a ni e! Don't worry about it being in the 6 O'clock position now, nature will take its own course.

@leaszralte=God really bless us here with all our limitations. Thanks for the compliment.

@varte=I am honest by saying that it comes to 6 O'clock position atleast after the procedure, but neither do I want it to remain like that all the time. By this time it sure may be in the 3 O'clock position, as you insist!

Mizohican said...

This was toooooo funny!!!! At first I was a little bit surprised to read it here *GRIN* but in the end humour gave way to surprise and I am laughing out loud :)

Some other guys would be jealous of your patient... :D

Mahse a tawp a i drain lai vel khu... ka trim uar uar mai!!!! :)

chhanhima said...

zaia ... thiante tam zawk...chu sorkarah an luta thla hmasa khan..tunlai chu..directorate ah an training mup2 mai...pu zuata te ho..prep for pediatric exam cmc vellore dec na ah in hre ta thin khua rawn zin hi a chakawm hle mai a..tih dan a awm ange maw...

Zairemthiama Pachuau said...

@illusionaire=Pu Kima,I am happy that atleast one of my posts surprises you. Then I consider myself a successful blogger to make 'the big boss' laugh.

There is no reason why other should be jealous of my patient, for it's a very painful condition and if not treated on time can cause impotency. I think every man should be scared of having one.

When I did the procedure the patient was made to 'sleep' and felt no pain, so don't worry.

@chhanhima=thianteho chu an va lawmpuiawm ve le. A bikin thianpa Zuata kha. Kei chu lo chhuah leh hunah pawh sorkara luh hi chu ka tum meuh lo, 'work culture' tha tak department-in a neih hunah chauh a niang!

Paediatrician tha tak i nih theih nan CMC Vellore entrance chu tling la ka ti hle mai. Ka lo tawngtaipui ang che. Tha takin in-prepare ang che.

Zairemthiama Pachuau said...

@chhantea=Chikankata hi nuam ve tak asin. Mizoram nen sik leh sa a inang vel a, Meghalaya landscape nen a inang hle bawk. International visitors, researchers leh students te tan hmun duhthusam a ni bawk. I lo la zin dawn nia

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